...by someone who doesn't know any better

28 July, 2010

Snakeman and the Factoids

Here's a post from a blog I wrote on about 3 times: Tom's Blog...


I was going to write a blog about such exciting things as interesting faces, lung-folding (origami for surgeons) and Snakeman, the superhero for the 21st century, but it was rubbish, so I'll start again.

I don't have much to say, so for now I will stuff your head-brains with useful facts for the future that I have learnt during my short stay here.

  1. Fact number one. The word 'eunuch' is derived from the Greek for 'salad'. Yum.
  2. There is no such animal as a 'Firefox', and if you see one, it's probably just a fox on fire and you should put it out.
  3. The smallest bone in the body is actually the eyelash. It's just so thin that no one can tell it's a bone.
  4. The reason red blood cells have that little dippy bit in the middle is so white blood cells can use them to get places faster. Like a taxi.
  5. The tastiest crayon colour is 'cornflower blue', voted by 88% of under-8s.
  6. Speaking in a seductive tone to a cow will make it produce twice as much milk. Tried and tested by farmers everywhere. Unintentionally.
  7. The word 'art' stands for anally retentive twits. Oh yes.
  8. Dreams in colour are caused by a worm living near the optic nerve.
  9. Ghosts are made of trapped wind and eyeball juice.
  10. You are 5 times as likely to get your ear cut off by a hairdresser than you are to get bitten by someone in New York. Which is also quite likely.

I hope I have enlightened you. Now, back to gadgets and things.

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