...by someone who doesn't know any better

20 June, 2011

Still Life. Because I'm a real artist.

I would appreciate a full analysis of my work by an Art Historian.


  1. :D One of my favourites yet

  2. ahhhh yes one of the earlier kate grays. the hunger of the piece is reflected in the ravenous expression on the bowl's face- a personification of the lower classes starvation which is contrasted to the gluttony of the upper class. The pineapple, representative of prosperity and power, towers over the bowl. Meanwhile the bowl is forced into submission to hold the apple (a sign of the sinfulness of the monarchy), the orange (a sign of foreign invaders) and the grapes (a sign of drunken reveling, which is further shown in the way the grapes spill out over the bowl and is reflected in the wine bottle and glass). The banana is obviously a phallic symbol of the patriarchal tyranny we all must submit to. Fuck knows what the lime's doing- AWKWARD LIME

  3. You are wasted on Theology, Lydia! Switch to Art History and set the world on fire! x


Be gentle...