...by someone who doesn't know any better

20 February, 2012

I like rainbows.

APOLOGIES for the lack of anything last week, a massive failure on my behalf there, I am apparently unable to use technology.

By way of apology, and to make up for what I'm sure was a traumatic week for all of you, I've got something a bit different. In case you weren't aware, I'm not just a recluse sitting in a dark room wrapped in a sleeved blanket soaked in tears while I fritter away the hours drawing food with faces... I do actually, occasionally branch out a little bit. And this is the result of that.

This is how it started.
Which became this...
Mmmm cakey.
You'd never know about the WONDERS INSIDE.
Words can't describe how happy I was that the rainbow pattern was so equal. Mmmm perfectionist.

The sexiest cake you will ever see.
And the reveal...

Oh sexy rainbow cake. I love you.

The most beautiful slice of cake you will ever see.
Needless to say, it went pretty quickly. Although one slice was roughly equivalent to eating an entire Victoria Sponge...
Check out those rainbow crumbs!
This happened at some point too... Moomin & unicorn... which pretty much sums up my life.

And I got the opportunity to paint a pig!
Plus more rainbows... Plus a pot of GOOOOOOLD!
Pig bum.
And a cloud! Fluffy wuffy.
This is my piggy bank collection. The two piggies are hand-painted by moi truly. 

How to make RAINBOW CAKE!

500g self raising flour
500g butter
500g caster sugar
10 eggs (I KNOW)
Gel/Paste food colouring (it's brighter than liquid food colouring, but expensive... I paid £3.25 for one colour, but I was clever and bought 4, then mixed to make other colours...)

Preheat oven to 160C fan/180C/Gas Mark 4.
Cream butter & sugar.
Add eggs one at a time with a bit of flour.
Add all the flour. There's a lot of it. Sorry.
Separate into LOTS of bowls, add food colouring, giggle happily at all the pretty colours.
Fill as many cake tins as you have.
Bake for 18-20 mins (don't worry about a bit of crispiness...)
Check the middle with a skewer, if it comes out clean, you're done!

200g butter (SOFTENED. Don't make the mistake we made of using hard butter. We are idiots.)
600g icing sugar
4tbsp milk

Mix all the things. 
Put in middle of cake... and on cake!



  1. This is quite honestly the coolest looking cake I have ever seen :D amazing

  2. Why thank you! It tasted awesome too :D


Be gentle...